Keyboard shortcuts for YOUTUBE

 Video Navigation

Rewind 10 Seconds: "J"

Fast-Forward 10 Seconds: "L"

Play/Pause: "K"

Go To Next Frame (While Pause): ","

Go To Previous Frame (While Pause): "."

Go To Beginning: "Home or 0"

Go To End: "End"

Go To 10-90%: "1-9"


Interface Navigation

Activate the Highlighted Buttons: Space

Move Between H1 Headers: Shift+1

Go To  YouTube Search Bar: /

Go To Previous Video in Playlist: Shift+P

Go To Next Video in Playlist: Shift+N

Toggle Fullscreen: F

Toggle Closed Captions and Subtitles: C

Launch Miniplayer: I

View Hotkeys: Shift+?

Control Playback

Mute/Unmute: M

Raise Volume: Up

Lower Volume: Down

Speed Up Playback Rate: >

Slow Down Playback Rate: <


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